wash call
Wash call can be used to directly invoke an actor. This can be useful when debugging, especially when the actor isn't directly accessible via external channels such as HTTP. It is not recommended to use wash call in production environments.
export CLUSTER_SEED=$(wash keys gen cluster -o json | jq -r .seed)
wash up --detached --cluster-seed $CLUSTER_SEED
wash start actor wasmcloud.azurecr.io/echo:0.3.8
wash call --cluster-seed $CLUSTER_SEED MBCFOPM6JW2APJLXJD3Z5O4CN7CPYJ2B4FTKLJUR5YR5MITIU7HD3WD5 HttpServer.HandleRequest '{"method": "GET", "path": "/", "body": "", "queryString":"","header":{}}' -o json --bin s
(Alias -c
) wasmCloud host cluster seed. This cluster seed must match the cluster seed used to launch the wasmCloud host
(Alias -o
) Specify output format (text or json) [default: text]
(Alias -r
) RPC Host for connection, defaults to for local NATS
RPC Port for connections, defaults to 4222 for local NATS
JWT file for RPC authentication. Must be supplied with rpc_seed
Seed file or literal for RPC authentication. Must be supplied with rpc_jwt
Credsfile for RPC authentication. Combines rpc_seed and rpc_jwt. See https://docs.nats.io/using-nats/developer/connecting/creds for details
(Alias -x
) Lattice name for wasmCloud control interface, defaults to "default" [env: WASMCLOUD_LATTICE_PREFIX=]
(Alias -d
) Optional JSON file to send as the operation payload
Optional file for saving binary response
When using JSON output, display binary as binary ('b'), string ('s'), or both ('2'). Defaults to binary
When invoking a test actor, interpret the response as TestResults