Brooks showed the key-value counter application running across 3 wasmCloud hosts, one in GCP, one on a local macbook, and one on a raspberry pi
Follow up discussions included details about lattice invocation round-robining, how wadm does reconciliation, and rollout strategies
Information about the lattice can be found here, around how the network can handle new wasmCloud hosts, terminated wasmCloud hosts, and round-robin requests between available compute
Information about wadm can be found with the source code. Participants in the call spoke about the reconciliation loop and how wadm will automatically adjust where application components run based on a declarative spec based on the Open Application Model
The wasmCloud roadmap is divided into three categories: Now, Next, and Ideas
Now contains work that is planned and prioritized for the short-term
Next contains work that is planned, but not prioritized for the short-term
Ideas contains experimentations, possible future work, and serves as a good place for a "have you thought of this" section in our roadmap
Any community members or open source contributors are more than welcome to take issues pertaining to the roadmap, and we plan to mark beginner issues with a good-first-issue label to deliniate great starter issues
Actor discussion
Due to preconceived notions on the actor model, we discussed renaming our wasmCloud WebAssembly modules from Actor to something else
We decided in the call, community and maintainers, to keep the Actor nomenclature and focus on education around the term and properly describing our compute terminology (which the actor in an actor model accurately describes what our wasmCloud actors do)