You can define your version (Wadm supports many) and define a list of components - actors or capability providers.
As part of components you can design a specific trait - for example the scale or amount of hosts you want to spread.
Also linkdefs come as standard with Wadm to stitch together wasmCloud actors to give configuration.
Pushing towards 0.4 release but, yes, you can use it today with the wash support PR.
Essentially, this is how folks work with K8s deployments - declaratively say how I want things to work.
wasmCloud builtin numbergen capability, cryptography, generating random bytes.
Contributions from Stephen generating random bytes into the numbergen builtin.
wasmCloud host responsible for generating a random number but are they cryptographically suitable?
How we version the interface is still in discussion. The key question is the relationship between builtin numbergen interface application to cryptographically safe random bytes generation.
Kevin: interface is designed for 'best effort' functionality, host implementation not necessarily cryptographically random.
Same with random numbers - interface gives no guarantee that numbers are cryptographically random.
Is it the responsibility of the builtins to give you a cryptographically random number or should we have a separate provider/UI to expose data that is suitable for use in cryptography?
wasi-fill approach could be a route to explore. Write your code like you would normally do - when the component runs in wasmCloud we handle the distribution for you.
Decided to use careful language indicating random numbers are best effort, and that we don't make guarantees in the interface. Bailey agreed to create an issue to explore adding wasi-crypto support.
KubeCon Retro
Recognition - 80% of the folks we talked to have heard of Wasm - progress! "Who hasn't?!" said one visitor to the booth.
The Wasm side of KubeCon was sold out early and packed to the rafters - shows how fast the server-side ecosystem is growing.
The Wasm Day recordings are up - check them out here.
Kevin's KubeCon talk still to appear - week or so.